This started out as a quick Facebook post, but it got so long to the tell the story properly that I decided it was turning into a blog post.
So, I was on Google earlier today looking something up for a friend. And I came across a recipe called “Bacon and Egg Macaroni Salad“. Now you may or may not know this about me, but I love bacon.
So obviously my interest was peeked. I correctly guessed that there was likely cooked and chopped bacon pieces in it. BUT there was a surprise twist.
Are you ready for it?
She had boiled the pasta with bacon strips. {And the angels sing.}
Tonight I made macaroni and cheese, and I got to thinking…so of course I threw some bacon in the water and boiled it with the pasta. Let me just say this meal was a hit! I have my sister’s three kids and her soon to be step-son tonight while she’s at work. They all said it was the best mac-n-cheese they’ve ever had, and they all had seconds.
I’m well on my way to finding a way to put bacon in everything.
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